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It's happening right now! Hall for dry-standing cows for ZD Velká Chyška

It's happening right now! Hall for dry-standing cows for ZD Velká Chyška

AGE s.r.o. is a proud subcontractor of implementing the new cow hall.

Invitation to Field Days 2024

Invitation to Field Days 2024

We cordially invite you to the Field Days 2024, we would be happy to meet you and discuss our products, services and news.

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

We're in the process of implementing it! Garage shed with installation of photovoltaic system for self-consumption!

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

We're in the process of implementing it! Garage shed with installation of photovoltaic system for self-consumption!

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

Parking space with FTV power plant for RenoFarmy, a.s. in Klimkovice

We're in the process of implementing it! Garage shed with installation of photovoltaic system for self-consumption!

Cooperation on the 2023 Postharvest Line

Cooperation on the 2023 Postharvest Line

The companies AGE s.r.o., PAWLICA s.r.o., AGROCHEMA, cooperative and V-STAV A, spol. s r.o. Together they celebrated the new harvesting line of 2023! Congratulations!

It's happening now! Construction of a new breeding shed for laying hens in Žabčice

It's happening now! Construction of a new breeding shed for laying hens in Žabčice

The new hall has dimensions of 84.4 m x 18.5 m x 3.5 m for the breeding of laying hens.

New broiler fattening house on the farm in Čánka

New broiler fattening house on the farm in Čánka

For the company Vospol, spol. s r.o. on the farm Čánka in the Hradec Králové Region we realized and handed over a new hall for broiler fattening.

AGE-VENT PIGS won gold medal!

AGE-VENT PIGS won gold medal!

AGE s.r.o. has recently achieved great success. For the second year in a row, on the occasion of the Animal Tech 2023 exhibition at the end of April, it was awarded the prestigious Gold Medal.

Modernisation of the farm operation in the village of Těhul

Modernisation of the farm operation in the village of Těhul

For OVUS Livestock Enterprise Ltd. in the municipality of Těhul, our company started the 1st stage of the new building of hen houses during June 2022, with its construction part. Here we are realizing a hall of 118.3 m length, 7.5 m height and 54.9 m width.

Two-storey AGE hall in Kosičky

Two-storey AGE hall in Kosičky

During May last year, our company started the modernization of a hall for intensive poultry breeding in the village of Kosičky in the Hradec Králové district.

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