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Podnik pro výrobu vajec in Kosicky, s.r.o., Kosicky, 2022

Podnik pro výrobu vajec in Kosicky, s.r.o., Kosicky, 2022


Egg production enterprise in Kosice, s.r.o., Kosice, 2022

In May 2022, our company started the modernization of a hall for intensive poultry breeding in the village of Kosičky in the Hradec Králové district.

Our investor was the Egg Production Enterprise in Kosičky, s.r.o., a company with a 50-year tradition of producing table eggs and egg melange. To sort the eggs, this company uses one of the most modern sorting plants in the country, so the customers of the Kosičky poultry farm are guaranteed to buy eggs only in 100% quality.

Our company had the opportunity to build a two-story hall of 76.9 m length, 10.9 m gable height, and 25 m width with a total capacity of 56.5 thousand laying hens. The construction is complete, and we wish you every success in your future business and many satisfied customers!

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